Autism Resource Team

Who are we?

The GASD Autism Resource Team works collaboratively with teachers to problem solve unique needs and behaviors, often encountered in students with autism but not limited to. The Autism Resource Team is a multidisciplinary team made up of members across all six schools, including social workers, teachers, psychologists and therapists. At any time throughout the year, parents and teachers may submit a request seeking additional support for a student. Teachers are encouraged to reach out to the team for a student evaluation/observation.

Watch the video below to see a parent’s perspective on the help her daughter received from the GASD Autism Resource Team, and more about what the team does for children and teachers.

Examples of requests include, but certainly are not limited to:

  • Creating visual supports for a secondary student

  • Challenges with peers

  • Waiting to be called on

  • Addressing sensory needs in the classroom

Contact Information

Christine Smith
GASD Director of Special Education/Student Support Services
(518) 843-3180 ext. 7302

Stacey Jantzen
GASD Autism Resource Team Coordinator
Committee on Special Education (Elementary)
Committee on Preschool Special Education Chairperson
(518) 843-3180 ext. 7307

GASD Team Referral Form

Downloadable Autism Resource Team Referral Form

Online Autism Resources for Families/Schools

Submitting a request – Autism Team procedures

  • Complete the referral form, providing as much detail as possible (i.e. what is in place at present, what has been tried previously, etc).

  • Downloadable Autism Resource Team Referral Form

  • Shared the referral form via email with the Autism Team Coordinator Stacey Jantzen, Elementary Committee on Special Education

  • Once received, the team will review and reach out with any outstanding questions. Autism team coordinator will then contact person(s) involved to gather more information as needed.

  • A member of the team may complete an observation of the student or environment. A time to meet with the teacher may also be arranged.

  • The team will review the information gathered and create a list of strategies/interventions. This may include how and when to use the strategies, specific visuals and possible next steps.

  • Within two weeks of referral, the team will share this information with the teacher or parent as well as an opportunity for further discussion.

  • The team will follow up with the teacher or parent to ensure implementation or if further support is needed. The process should be completed within 10 days of receiving referral.