Health Office
High school students
Medicine in School
The following criteria must be met in order for students to receive prescription or non-prescription medication.
The school nurse MUST have on file a written order from the family physician in which he/she indicates the name of the drug, the frequency and time element for administering the medication, the dosage and possible side effects.
The school nurse MUST have a written request from the parent to administer the medication.
The medication and all refills MUST be delivered directly to the nurse by the parent, guardian or responsible adult.
The medication MUST be in the original container.
All of the above rules pertain to over-the-counter medication such as all ointments and all pain medications.
Medication Permission Form – To be completed by the student’s health care provider.
Immunizations Requirements
Immunization requirements are organized by grade level to help parents easily identify requirements for their child. These requirements will be updated as needed to reflect any new, mandated state immunization requirements.
Click here to download a form to request immunization records.