Step 4: Email OR Drop off copies of Required Proofs and Additional Online Registration Forms.
Please include the student’s name and grade he/she will be enrolling for along with ALL Proofs and Forms in one email. Separate emails may delay completion of registration. Proofs and Forms that are scanned or taken by screenshots will only be accepted if clear and legible.
Email Required Proofs and Additional Online Registration Forms to:
Drop Off:
Copies of Required Proofs and Additional Online Registration Forms may be dropped off to the locked black box labeled “Registration Drop Box” located outside the District Office doors. The District Office is located behind Amsterdam High School on 140 Saratoga Ave. (Use Miami Ave. District Office parking lot). The District Office doors are located in front of
the rock climbing wall.
Please send an email to us once you have dropped off your copies of the Required Proofs and Additional Registration Forms to:
**Once proofs and forms are received in the registration department, an email will be sent to the custodial parent/guardian confirming the completion. If there are any missing documents or forms you will be notified.
Due to the high volume of registrations during the summer, please allow 5-7 business days before following up if you have not been notified. The registration office will contact you either via email or phone in the order it was received. For Registrations received after school begins, please contact the registration office 1-2 business days if you have not been contacted.
For further assistance or questions please email:
District Registrar:
Nia Greco at – (518) 843-3180 ext 7503
Registration and Spanish Translation:
(518) 843-3180 ext 7407