Student Registration

2025-2026 School Year  School Year Registration

Welcome New Students and Families!

New (and returning to our district from another district) students are registered through the Registration Office, located in the District Office, 140 Saratoga Ave, Amsterdam, NY 12010. Parents/Legal Guardians should obtain and complete a registration packet and return it to Nia Greco, in the Registration Office, Monday through Friday, 8:30am-3:00pm. You may also call for an appointment, (518) 843-3180 ext 7503


New Students (Grades Pre-K, K-12)

  • Registration for new students opens June 1, 2025.

  • Completed registration packets and all required documents must be submitted.

For Pre-K registration, click here. UPK registration received after the lottery date of May 1, will be placed on a waiting list or enrolled in a school based on availability.

How to Register

Online Registration: Visit Student Registration for more information or register under Student Services > Click here

Paper Forms:

  • Pick up a registration packet at the District Office located at 140 Saratoga Ave. (use Miami Ave. parking lot).

  • Completed packets can be dropped off in the locked drop box outside the District Office.

Note: Walk-in registrations are not available at this time.

Directions for registering students paper form 

A registration packet can be picked up at the District Office, mailed or printed from our website at under student registration. The District Office is located behind the high school at 140 Saratoga Ave, please use the District Office Parking lot located on Miami Ave. Follow the sidewalk towards the rock climbing wall, we are the first door to the right. There will be 2 black boxes outside the District Office doors, one will be locked for dropping off completed registration packets and the other will have copies. There are no walk in registrations at this time. Follow instructions on the cover page of the registration packet.

Registration Department Contacts

Registration Questions, please email or (518) 843-3180 ext 7000

District Registrar
Nia Greco, – (518) 843-3180 ext 7503

Registration/Home School Enrollment and Spanish Translation
(518) 843-3180 ext 7407

Universal Pre-K – (518) 843-3180 ext 7101

Grades K-12 – (518) 843-3180 ext 7002 or 7503

Homeschool – (518) 843-3180 ext 7407

Registration Packets

If you have any trouble accessing the documents on this page, please email the Registration Dept. at or at (518) 843-3180 x7002 or 7503

Change of Address Information

Complete a change of address form and provide proof of residency, copy of custodial parent/guardian identification is required for a change of address. This can be emailed to

Change of Address Form

Directions for registering students online

Please visit our website at under the Home Page of Student Services, click on the arrow, Student Registration.  Follow instructions for online registration.


In order to register online you will need the following:

  • Custodial Parent/Guardian valid email address

  • Access to a printer for additional forms

  • ALL required Proofs and completed Forms

DEADLINE: The online registration will expire IF all Required Proofs and Additional Online Registration Forms are NOT received within 14 days. A new online registration and proofs/forms will need to be resubmitted for any online registration that has expired.

Step 1: Register online at the following link:

Step 2: Required Proof List: Can be submitted through email (scanned, screenshots or photos) to complete the online registration or dropped off at the district registration office.

  • 2 Proofs of Residence: For example, a utility statement, cable statement, notarized lease, driver’s license with current physical address, government agency letter, etc. Letters of proofs must be postmarked/dated within 30 days of registration. **If you are living in a “Temporary Residence” and have no proof of residence, please print and complete STAC/Housing Questionnaire form as your proof of residence.

  • STAC/Housing Questionnaire Form -ONLY for families/students in a “Temporary Residence” (Ex; shelter, motel/hotel, car, park, campsite, temporarily doubling up with another family or an unaccompanied youth) Proof of residence will be required once permanent residence is established.

  • Copy of Student’s Birth Certificate (Passport, Government ID or Visa accepted)

  • Copy of Custodial Parent/Guardian ID

  • Updated Immunization Records (may be faxed to (518) 842-0012)

  • Most recent Custody Orders or Order of Protections (must be signed by a judge), Foster Letters, DSS/CPS/DFA Custody Letters, if applicable


Step 3: Using the link below, please complete the additional registration forms. These forms were NOT provided on the online registration (Step 1) and must be printed and submitted with Required Proofs either thru email (scanned, screenshots or photos) or dropped off at the district registration office.

Additional Registration Forms: See Downloadable Forms for "Additional Online Registration Forms"

  • Home Language Questionnaire

  • Health Registration Form

  • Release of Records Form (if no previous school please write N/A on form)

Step 4: Email OR Drop off copies of Required Proofs and Additional Online Registration Forms.


Please include the student’s name and grade he/she will be enrolling for along with ALL Proofs and Forms in one email. Separate emails may delay completion of registration. Proofs and Forms that are scanned or taken by screenshots will only be accepted if clear and legible.

Email Required Proofs and Additional Online Registration Forms to:

Drop Off:

Copies of Required Proofs and Additional Online Registration Forms may be dropped off to the locked black box labeled “Registration Drop Box” located outside the District Office doors. The District Office is located behind Amsterdam High School on 140 Saratoga Ave. (Use Miami Ave. District Office parking lot). The District Office doors are located in front of
the rock climbing wall.

Please send an email to us once you have dropped off your copies of the Required Proofs and Additional Registration Forms to:

**Once proofs and forms are received in the registration department, an email will be sent to the custodial parent/guardian confirming the completion. If there are any missing documents or forms you will be notified.

Due to the high volume of registrations during the summer, please allow 5-7 business days before following up if you have not been notified. The registration office will contact you either via email or phone in the order it was received. For Registrations received after school begins, please contact the registration office 1-2 business days if you have not been contacted.

For further assistance or questions please email:

District Registrar:
Nia Greco at – (518) 843-3180 ext 7503

Registration and Spanish Translation:
(518) 843-3180 ext 7407

General Registration Information